Once you've clicked on the "Insert into page" button (bottom right of picture above), you'll see your image with its caption in the editor. Anton1234 New Member Add a caption to images in WordPress Using the Classic Editor. Copy the caption code that comes in the box - it will be similar to the image below: Inserting our image and caption code into a DIVI module. WordPress inserts all the images in the new gallery into your post. You can do that by clicking the Add Media button while working on a post or page, or you can go to Media -> … The image you chose will then appear in the body of your post, at the exact point you clicked on. Satisfied? However, if you wish to add captions to featured images, the above 2 methods will help you do so. Next, click Insert file to add the chosen image to your post. Firstly, we switch to our standard text editor. If you are still using the old Classic Editor on your WordPress site, then this is how you would add captions to images in WordPress. This is a great way to give your visitors a little bit more about the images within your gallery. It will also show the title of the image and pagination inside the Lightbox. Type the image caption text into the text box below the image. | Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with the WordPress Foundation or Automattic, Inc. How to Fix 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress, How to Add Image Captions in WordPress Websites, Add Caption to Existing Images on Existing Content, Image Caption on WordPress Featured Image, Create a WordPress Image Gallery and Add Captions to Images, Type in a longer description of the image, such as “This image illustrates the benefits of flat sole tennis shoes when doing woodworks on floors”. Unlike most things in WordPress, you do not need a gallery plugin to add images in WordPress galleries. Divi Gallery is a good way to show a gallery of images in on your website. If you are adding an image to a page or post, you will see few text fields at the right side of media upload box. Steps on How to Align Captions Centrally: Follow the steps below to align your WordPress image captions at the center: First we need to identify the CSS element or class that is responsible for the alignment of the image caption. In your content editor, click on the point within which you want to insert an image in the body of your post. On your site, this is likely to either be the much-maligned "Gutenberg" block editor or you may still be using the previous default (TinyMCE) style editor that came bundled with a default Wordpress install. Featured Image Caption Plugin is a WordPress plugin that displays image captions on featured images in WordPress. Image Caption in WordPress is more than a title to an image or photo. It is useful for presenting meaningful content to visitors. Metadata simply means data that explain other data. To enter image caption, type in what you would like readers to see as a label for the image into the caption input box. After working on a DIVI Wordpress website for a client recently, it became apparent that placing an image caption within DIVI's image module wasn't something that could be done out-of-the-box. A set of menu icons will appear at the top. The finished page with the image and my caption underneath (see below). The Solution – Divi responsive image size plugin. Your image caption is now visible, under the image in the post. To grab the code we'll need, simply click on the text button as in the image below: It will look like the picture below - copy that text because this is what we'll be using when we switch back to our DIVI text module: Copy all the caption code just like you see in the above image and now just skip down this page and carry on following the instructions after the brief Gutenberg section just below. Add as many images you feel is necessary for your post. It can display a caption for the image using the figcaption tag. Your WordPress caption will be added. Select the existing image on the post for which you want to add a caption. Type in the title text of your post in the title section. The active WordPress theme on a site determines the look of an image caption. An “Image Details” screen will be displayed. Bonus: Style your image caption with custom CSS. it will stick to the left. It offers a responsive grid layout for images with Pop Up support. Serving the 2000px wide image on a device with width 400px serves no purpose other than to slow down the webpage. Then move your cursor to Add Media button and click on it. Visitors always want to have an understanding of what your WordPress blog or website is all about. Sometimes you want to showcase several items on your site. Captions can be more than just a title of a photograph. Thirdly, type in the caption you want to add for your featured image and click Publish. Click the Edit Mediaicon (pencil). You can style the caption text by using the CSS class .custom_caption.Here is one simple styling that you can use by adding the code below to Divi > Theme Customizer > Additional CSS. In this tutorial, I will show you how to easily add image captions in WordPress. Personally, I don't use caption in my featured images. A set of menu icons will appear at the top. In this tutorial, we’re going to show you how to add and edit captions in images on posts. In other words, the small piece of text below the image gives clarity to the visitor about the image and the post as a whole. From your admin dashboard area, click on Posts and then select a post that you wish to edit. A caption is the small piece of text that appears beneath an image, usually to give it additional context or provide source attribution. Delete the row containing these instructions. Now it's just a simple case of switching back to our DIVI builder and putting the code in the right place in our DIVI text module. Here you can enter the desired caption and then click Insert into post. It's important to mention that to do this, we don't need to use DIVI's image module as we can't use this to insert the caption. Drag and drop image files from anywhere on your computer system to upload. Simply click on the Add Media button above the post editor to upload an image or select one from the media library. By default the Gallery module will show the Title and Caption under each image. So it may have much more code and files that a typical WordPress theme. You can do all these with ease from the admin area on your WordPress site. After editing the captions, click Insert Gallery. The responsive divi modules wraps the image in a figure tag. Let’s say you use the native divi image module with image of size 2000px. You can click on the Select files option and select an image file to upload from your system as well as select files from WordPress Media library. A featured image has its own upload spot for each post and page, and its called "Featured Image". It is also fully compatible with Gutenberg and Classic Editor. To add caption below images in WordPress, you’ll need to follow these 5 steps: Step 1. We’ll also guide you on how to add captions to featured images in WordPress as well. After working on a DIVI Wordpress website for a client recently, it became apparent that placing an image caption within DIVI's image module wasn't something that could be done out-of-the-box. Type in your caption into the Caption field and click “Update” to save the changes. WordPress comes with the built-in capability to easily add image captions and other metadata, including title and alternative text (alt tag) for each image. Firstly, install and activate the plugin. Although DIVI has many cool features, some common things you'd expect to come as standard in the DIVI theme simply aren't there. Now we're out of DIVI we simply add our image from our media library and make sure we type our caption in the caption box provided - See image below: The process of grabbing the code differs slightly for both so we'll do them one at a time. They can be used for many purposes and can Unlike other alternatives, this plugin is up-to-date! We used the WordPress twenty sixteen theme in the samples below. Now to the problem which comes with Captions; If you put a caption to an image using the wordpress image insertion tool, and caption code, the image will NEVER align center. Alternatively, if you want to use an image you previously uploaded, switch to your Media Library tab with the button at the top left and click on the image you want to insert. The Simplest: Featured Image Caption adds a caption field right below featured image so you don’t need to go to library media to write captions for images. Switch out the images for your own and enter the following HTML in the caption field of the image in the ... the 'Book Now' and the 'Some text here' with your own. If you want to become a WP Guru, visit our main WordPress tutorial page or sign up for our membership and updates. You would see the caption under the featured image. Finding the caption box for existing images can be a little tricky, but it’s easy once you know where to look. You can click the Preview button to see what your gallery looks like to readers. While image captions might seem like a small thing, they can demand even more attention from readers than the regular text in your content. Add WordPress Image Captions. Conclusion. Featured Image Caption. It’s also important to set the other options so we will describe them briefly. Image captions are a case in point; If you're using the normal Wordpress WYSIWYG editor, it's pretty straightforward but with DIVI... not so much. I have multiple images in WordPress post, each image has different caption. The Caption tags remove the ‘center’ image alignment. The caption text was made bigger by simply wrapping the caption in a
tag when I typed it into the caption field in the media manager earlier on, How To Make First DIVI Accordion Box Closed By Default. If you still use the classic editor, choose the "Return To Standard Editor" as in the picture below: If you use Gutenberg, you'll be either already there if the DIVI page builder isn't active but if it is, simply "Return To Default Editor as in the image below: Insert the image in your default editor as normal - The image below is for the Gutenberg editor although you'll see a slightly different layout for other editors. Install and activate Envira Gallery plugin; Step 2. If you're using the standard editor, simply place your code in the code section of your text block and you're done! To add a caption to an image in WordPress, you’ll need to upload the image first, of course. View pagination. problem with caption of image in text module Discussion in ' Free Divi Community Forum ' started by Anton1234 , Nov 18, 2020 at 1:29 AM . Join over 175,000 websites using the flexible and powerful Beaver Builder Theme. Full divi frontend builder support. Although DIVI has many cool features, some common things you'd expect to come as standard in the DIVI theme simply aren't there. The responsive divi modules follows google recommendations for image SEO.
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