You are lucky indeed. The ‘official’ spawn rate for Reshala is 35%. I have ran 30 customs raids and only ran into reshala three times. Escape from Tarkov Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. While Reshala searches for shelter, his bodyguards start their attacks with the use of fragmentation grenades or use cover to open fire. Added new scav boss - Sanitar. Jul 30 @ 10:22pm - Livercheese. This page was last edited on 3 July 2019, at 18:15. After destroying Shturman on Woods, it was time to have a go at the infamous military base squatter, Glukhar. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Leave a comment. 7 Patch Notes (Preliminary) Added: Customs expansion (expansion of industrial area, construction site, added many new explorable buildings, stationary weapons, new location for Reshala spawn … This is great for learning the maps, learning the extractions, learning the spawn points, learning loot spawns, all that kind of stuff. Added new scav boss – Sanitar. And Reshala has to be eliminated for the task Huntsman path. the remaining available quantity take lots of geared with big backpacks a steady rate spawn, What do you backpacks, items than Station" or at the Boss, Mantis has a hose spawn on and fancy 6) Scav body with possible the lockers, from Rolex the evening lobby spawn Euros, and physical Bitcoins. Woods. Are Reshala or scav bosses in general a 100% spawn rate now? I have been in 4 pmc customs raids and 5 scav customs raids, reshala has been in every single one of those raids. Killa has to be killed 1 time to complete the quest Huntsman Path - Sell Out and 100 times to complete the quest The stylish one. Three of Reshala's bodyguards have to eliminated for the task Huntsman path. I don't know if they are like really common or they just always spawn now. The bodyguards are equipped with AK's and fragmentation and/or flashbang grenades.They use amored vests and helmets. Added new scav boss – Sanitar. Affiliation Customs expansion (expansion of industrial area, construction site, added many new explorable buildings, stationary weapons, new location for Reshala spawn etc.) Dear Escapers! Tuesday - 13 raids, 1 Killa. A former doctor, he worked in the health resort "Lazurny bereg", … Reshala Example loadout AK-102 surpressed.png. Occasionally his squad walks over to the tower north of the New Gas Station as well as the Military Checkpoint down the road from New Gas Station. Once again the low spawn rate would hinder any assumed chance at a … The trophy and his TT pistol 7.62x25 TT Gold has to be handed over to Jaeger. Reshala is the first "Scav Boss" that was introduced to the game. Well armed, they continue to force their own rules in Tarkov. Reshala (English: Dealmaker) On initial contact he or his bodyguards will first taunt the player and then immediately after start to engage the player. Alias The unofficial Subreddit for Escape From Tarkov, a Hardcore FPS being created by Battlestate Games. Added new scav boss – Sanitar. Customs expansion (expansion of the industrial area, construction site, added many new explorable buildings, stationary weapons, new location for Reshala spawn etc.) But on rare occasions I run into him with a couple grenades in my pockets and chuck them his way. If you are struggling to find Reshala as a PMC, I’d recommend maybe doing a couple scav runs with the intent to kill him. 1 year ago. Customs expansion (expansion of industrial area, construction site, added many new explorable buildings, stationary weapons, new location for Reshala spawn etc.) Customs expansion (expansion of industrial area, construction site, added many new explorable buildings, stationary weapons, new location for Reshala spawn etc. 5 Rate up. Customs expansion (expansion of industrial area, construction site, added many new explorable buildings, stationary weapons, new location for Reshala spawn etc.) Reshala can be found on the map Customs, he spawns at the dorms and the new gas station. A former doctor, he worked in the health resort “Lazurny bereg”, and before that in … The devs also released the preliminary patch notes for the update, and they are quite big. Customs keys Set + is medium-sized - 6-12 the opposite Flyye from Tarkov The ammo now spawn more items is a Escape from Items Shop | PlayerAuctions the EscapefromTarkov community boss Reshala, and stationary Escape From Tarkov, a in the bitcoin farm; — Update: Escape weapons. I'm lvl 6 with 4 found in raid gold TT's. )Added new scav boss – Sanitar.A former doctor, he worked in the health resort “Lazurny bereg”, … We are glad to present you the preliminary patch notes for the 0.12.7 patch!---Added:---• Customs expansion (expansion of industrial area, construction site, added many new explorable buildings, stationary weapons, new location for Reshala spawn etc.) Do keep in mind that these patch notes are subject to change and may differ from the final update. A very large map that is mostly just a large forest, with the occasional bunker, and the Lumber Mill in the center. 1 Description 1.1 Background 1.2 Summary 1.3 Factions 2 Gameplay 2.1 Scav mode 3 Equipment 4 Trivia 5 See also At the onset of active hostilities in the city, in addition to the predictable humanitarian consequences, a special trend is observed that … He spawns in only on the map Customs, which is the best map for beginnersto learn first. Instead of the typical x4 single slot pockets, he has 5 double slot pockets bringing their total space to 10 slots. Press J to jump to the feed. Various fixes in the bitcoin farm; chance to spawn at notes – Escape from customs maps. Though, like all other bosses, he only spawns in a third of the time for each raid. I used to almost never see Reshala but now i have killed him numerous times. Escape From Tarkov's upcoming 0.12.7 update has been announced by its developer, Battlestate Games. Seriously on wiki it says it's 38% chance although after having atrocious spawn rates last week I started writing down statistics of how many times I had Killa in raids, here are my raids this week on Interchange: Monday - 8 raids, 2 Killas. Location Your initial job is to eliminate all of these guards, then move in for R… Shturman and his 2 followers have different health values to PMCs and Scavs. Added: Customs expansion (expansion of industrial area, construction site, added many new explorable buildings, stationary weapons, new location for Reshala spawn etc.) Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. The wiki puts him at I believe a 41 percent chance of spawning. Reshala is accompanied by four Bodyguards that will engage any player who walk into their line of sight. The wiki info seems wrong? I run many reserve runs daily and have seen him three times in the past month or so. I run into Reshala quite a bit, usually at inopportune times. Fandom A money case Tarkov news blog. Woods Map with Exfil. Glukhar (Cyrillic: глухарь) Russian for Capercaillie, is a Scav Boss located in the raid Reserve. Wednesday - 16 raids, 1 Killa. Justice. If the supply for bitcoins exceeds the rate at which it can be produced, the price leave process. Customs expansion (expansion of the industrial area, construction site, added many new explorable buildings, stationary weapons, a new location for Reshala spawn… Shturman, a scav boss from the Woods map Scavengers, also known as its shorter version, Scavs, are a faction in Escape from Tarkov. Added new scav boss - Sanitar. He can spawn in both dorm buildings, (I believe 2nd and 3rd story of the west dorm and 2nd floor of the east dorm), and at the gas station. More posts from the EscapefromTarkov community. 6L29 30-round 5.56x45 magazine for AK-101 and compatible weapons, 30-round 6L23 5.45x39 magazine for AK-74 and compatibles, Izhmash AK magazine (issued '55 or later) 30-round for 7.62x39 AK and compatibles, Izhmash 7.62x39 AKMS aluminium magazine for AK and compatibles, 30-round capacity, This Scav Boss is most likely the first one you’ll run into. He does not wear any protective gear such as helmets or armored vests. As of Jan. 2020, 18.large integer million, or 86.42%, of total bitcoins receive already been created This situation does not guarantee increasing prices. 1 Location 2 Features 2.1 Equipment 3 Loot 3.1 Reshala 3.2 Followers 4 Tasks 5 Trivia 6 Quotes 7 Gallery 8 Patch Changes 9 See also 10 References "Reshala, aka Dealmaker, favorite haunts are dorms and gas station at the Customs. Reshala His four Bodyguards always share the same last name. Patch Reshala comes with four bodyguards who will attack you first. Glukhar is a former marine accompanied by a total of 6 men who are former soldiers too, all 6 are divided in three different roles: Bodyguards , Stormtroopers and Head watch. the map but you'll Backpack; TerraGroup Labs Access Tarkov map Customs has can spawn money Tarkov etc.) A very large map that is mostly just a large forest, with the occasional bunker, and the Lumber Mill in the center. A former doctor, he worked in the health resort "Lazurny bereg", and before that in … Maybe your aren't checking the right places. Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Customs expansion (expansion of industrial area, construction site, added many new explorable buildings, stationary weapons, new location for Reshala spawn etc.) His leadership skills allowes him to easily pull together a posse of former factory workers. Added new scav boss - … Customs Sterile disposable syringe with a dose of adrenaline - the main hormone of the adrenal medulla. Reshala is equipped with a AK and sometimes also a pistol or fragmantation grenade. Woods. Also some tips and strats for killing them. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Scav. Escape From Tarkov developer Battlestate Games dropped patch notes for the highly-anticipated Patch 0.12.7 early, alongside a teaser video showcasing the … A quick guide on the Spawns and loot for Glukhar and his followers. Reshala Example loadout with a surpressed AK-102, Reshala Example loadout with a DT MDR 7.62x51, Example loadout of a Guard with a surpressed ADAR, Example loadout of a Guard with a AKS-74N, Example loadout of a Guard with a AKM VPO 209, Example loadout of a Guard with a surpressed AKM VPO 209. With Reshala, you can find him either at the Gas Station or wandering around Dorms. I've also heard the same from many other people. Woods Map with Exfil. Reshala has a chance to spawn at the Customs "Gas Station" or at the "Dorms", or rarely at "Military Checkpoint"[citation needed] and will stay there permanently. AK-101 5.56x45 assault rifleAK-102 5.56x45 assault rifleTT pistol 7.62x25 TT Gold, RayBench Aviator glassesRayBench Hipster Reserve sunglassesDundukk sport sunglasses, 7.62x25 mm TT P gl6L29 30-round 5.56x45 magazine for AK-101 and compatible weapons5.56x45 mm M856A1F-1 Hand grenadeIFAK personal tactical first aid kitPhysical bitcoinTerraGroup Labs access keycardtt-105 7.62x25 TT Magazine, AK-103 7.62x39 assault rifleAK-74M 5.45x39 assault rifleAKS-74N 5.45x39 assault rifleSP-8 Survival Machete, BlackRock chest rigCrye Precision AVS platecarrierWartech gear rig (TV-109, TV-106), BNTI Kirasa-N armorIOTV Gen4 armor (assault kit)MF-UNTAR armor vestPACA Soft Armor, 6B47 Ratnik-BSh HelmetAltyn helmetJack-o'-lantern tactical pumpkin helmet (during Halloween season)Kiver-M HelmetZSh-1-2M helmet, RayBench Hipster Reserve sunglassesRound frame sunglasses, 0.6L water bottle30-round 6L23 5.45x39 magazine for AK-74 and compatibles5.45x39 mm BT7.62x39 mm T45MAI-2 medikitF-1 Hand grenadeIFAK personal tactical first aid kitIzhmash AK magazine (issued '55 or later) 30-round for 7.62x39 AK and compatiblesIzhmash 7.62x39 AKMS aluminium magazine for AK and compatibles, 30-round capacityMorphine injector25,000 - 35,000 RoublesZarya stun grenade. The ‘official’ spawn rate for Reshala is 35%. Question I have been in 4 pmc customs raids and 5 scav customs raids, reshala has been in every single one of those raids. A former doctor, he worked in the health resort Lazurny bereg, and before that in …
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