Psalm 23 Wir basteln ein Malbüchlein. The point of comparison is the mystery enwrapping both.” (Maclaren), iv. We may get nervous if we see video cameras monitoring us at all times. 3 You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Übertragung zu Psalm 139,1-24 ALLE: Gott, du bist da, auch wenn wir dich nicht immer spüren. Revised Standard Version mg., New English Bible); but the majority of translators would appear to be right in rendering them the way everlasting, in contrast to the way of the wicked which will perish.” (Kidner), (c) 2020 The Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik – “The Psalmist had scarcely peered within the veil which hides the nerves, sinews, and blood-vessels from common inspection; the science of anatomy was quite unknown to him; and yet he had seen enough to arouse his admiration of the work and his reverence for the Worker.” (Spurgeon), iv. Sollte ich nicht hassen, die dich hassen, Jahwe, / und verachten, die aufstehen gegen dich? e. And laid Your hand upon me: As with the hedge, this was an expression of God’s love and care for David. are miracles enough (between head and feet) to fill a volume.” (Trapp), v. “If we are marvelously wrought upon even before we are born, what shall we say of the Lord’s dealings with us after we quit his secret workshop, and he directs our pathway through the pilgrimage of life? HERR, ich rufe zu dir; eile zu mir; vernimm meine Stimme, wenn ich dich anrufe. Do I not hate them, O LORD, who hate You? W Nur noch Finsternis soll nach mir schnappen. Sagte ich: "Die Finsternis umschlieÃe mich, / das Licht um mich werde Nacht!". Ob ich sitze oder stehe, du weiÃt es, / du kennst meine Gedanken von fern. And lead me in the way everlasting. / Von fern erkennst du meine Gedanken. The Hebrew word here is sheol, which normally has the sense of the grave or by implication the afterlife. Du kennst uns und weißt, ob wir sitzen oder stehen. a. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Ob ich sitze oder stehe, du weißt es, / du kennst meine Gedanken von fern. b. We sometimes reject what God and His word say about us and our condition; we should recognize that He knows us better than we know ourselves. i. For they speak against You wickedly; Leichte Sprache ist eine barrierearme Variante des Deutschen. Psalm 139 - For the worship leader. c. You understand my thought afar off: God not only knew the smallest aspects of David’s everyday life; He also knew his thoughts. Ganz nahe spüre ich dich, Gott, so als gingen wir beide Hand in Hand. I can hardly endure to think of it. It can be very uncomfortable to know that you are always being watched. Even in hell, God will be present because there is no place where God cannot be. Bindet sie los und führt sie zu mir. e. In Your book they were all written, the days fashioned for me: God’s perfect knowledge did not only extend to the past, before David was born. Dieser Psalm spricht von der Naehe Gottes und von der Identiaet. âDie geschaffene Natur liefert eine gut verständliche Beschreibung ihrer selbst für jeden Menschen, der sich von ihr beeindrucken lässt. It speaks of the fact that God knew David from before his birth, as a child conceived and developing in the womb. / Ja, das habe ich erkannt: Deine Werke sind wunderbar! Du hast mich geschaffen mit Körper und Geist, mich zusammengefügt im Bauch meiner Mutter. Du führst mich. Ich fasse deine Hand. Darum geht es mir gut. GRUPPE 2: Gott, du bist überall. “Crimes committed before the face of the Judge are not likely to go unpunished…. David probably did not have a deep understanding of Trinitarian theology, but by the inspiration of God he spoke of God’s Spirit as an essential aspect of His being and presence. Oh, that You would slay the wicked, O God! d. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed: What David (and others) could not see, God could see perfectly. © 2020 by Karl-Heinz Vanheiden (Textstand 20.09) Even there Your hand shall lead me, And see if there is any wicked way in me, It is entirely possible for a person to be too loving, and it corrupts his claimed love for God. a. 13 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my motherâs womb. Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. And why have we his Spirit, and his appearances or faces, both here? Stiege ich zum Himmel hinauf, so bist du da, / legte ich mich zu den Toten, da wärst du auch. Du bist der Fachmann für alle Fälle und kümmerst dich um unsere Sorgen. i. i. In some respects, here he also added scientist to his accomplishments. These cookies are strictly necessary to provide you with services available through our website and to use some of its features. Du, Gott, die Nacht des Lebens Dunkel i. VanGemeren points out that when looking You know (verse 2) and You covered (verse 13) in the Hebrew grammar, the emphasis is on You. Changes will take effect once you reload the page. i. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. We imagine standing on a shore and wondering just how many grains of sand fill the beach – yet God’s thoughts are more in number. The nature and attributes of God were not mere theories; they were guides to David’s spiritual growth. A Trinitarian would at once say, ‘The plurality of persons in the Godhead is intended;’ and who can prove that he is mistaken?” (Clarke), ii. The way of holiness prayed for in the previous lines was the way everlasting. 1 Dieser Reim kommt von David, und auch der Beat kommt dazu: Gott, du beschützt mich, und du lässt mich nicht mehr in Ruh'. Von allen Seiten umschlieÃt du mich, / ich bin ganz in deiner Hand. Psalm 43 - "Schaffe mir Recht, o Gott" Psalm 44 - Dem Chormeister, eine Eingebungsweise Ihr werdet dort gleich eine angebundene Eselin finden und ein Junges bei ihr. I cannot so much as take a seat, or leave it, without being marked by thee.” (Clarke), ii. Du kennst mein Leben Tag für Tag, Mit deinem Geist ich sicher schreite. ⦠Auch, wenn ich durch dunkle Straßen gehe, ich habe keine Angst. e. Even there Your hand shall lead me: David was so assured of the constant presence of God’s hand of love and care that not even death and the grave could separate him from God’s love – as Paul would later write in Romans 8:38-39. “Here he argueth God’s omniscience from his omnipresence.” (Trapp), ii. “Thy infinite power and wisdom, manifested in the rare and curious structure of man’s body, doth fill me with wonder and astonishment, and with the dread of thy majesty.” (Poole), iii. “The greatest miracle in the world is man; in whose very body (how much more in his soul!) Ob ich ruhe oder Such knowledge not only surpasses my comprehension, but even my imagination.” (Spurgeon). Your presence? The darkness and the light are both alike to You. â Mehr über Leichte Sprache Die Offene Bibel in Leichter Sprache ergänzt unsere Lesefassung und die Studienfassung, die direkt aus biblischen Urtext übersetzt ist. / Es sind so unfassbar viele! You can check these in your browser security settings. © Copyright - Enduring Word       |      . Ein Psalm Davids.] It is precious that God should think of us at all; it is beyond precious that He would think well of us and think so often of us. Do I not hate them, O LORD, who hate You? When I awake, I am still with You. Kapitel 142: Ein Psalm Davids. Die Himmel mit der Sternenwelt erzählen in einer für die Menschen anschaulichen Weise die Herrlichkeit Gottes, des Schöpfers (Vers 2). Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our websites and the services we are able to offer. Those who claim to be disciples of Jesus Christ, yet use profanity or impurity of speech, should remember that God hears and knows every word. Psam 23 Schafe - Hirten - Rätsel. Light itself can not outrun God’s presence and knowledge. Mein Hörbuch: _____ Hallo ihr! c. And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth: Here David used the phrase lowest parts of the earth to refer to any mysterious, unseen place. “The ultimate word of Greek philosophy, ‘Man, know thyself,’ was really valuable because it brought man face to face with the impossible.” (Morgan), iii. 14 I praise you, for I ⦠The work of God in fashioning the body of the individual has made some people wonder about the presence of birth defects, and what that may mean regarding God’s work. If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. ii. Search me, O God, and know my heart: David came to the God of perfect knowledge and constant presence knowing He was also a God of love, and could be trusted to search him and to know him at the deepest levels. 1 Das ist ein Lied von David: Gott ist immer bei mir. ii. Ich preise dich, dass ich so wunderbar und staunenswert erschaffen bin. When prayed sincerely, this is something of a dangerous prayer – worthy, yet dangerous. Commentary on Psalm 139:1-6 (Read Psalm 139:1-6) God has perfect knowledge of us, and all our thoughts and actions are open before him. “A faithful servant hath the same interests, the same friends, the same enemies with his Master, whose cause and honor he is, upon all occasions, in duty bound to support and maintain.” (Horne). i. David took his theological understanding of God’s nature and attributes and applied it to his own personal discipleship. We should regard such birth defects as injuries to God’s original design, and even as a person may be injured out of the womb, so they can be injured while still in the womb and in the process of formation. d. Wings of the morning: This may well refer to the spread and speed of light as it fills the morning sky from the east to the west. For the director of music. Du, Gott, bist immer mir zur Seite. And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Wohin sollte ich gehen, um dir zu entkommen, / wohin fliehen, dass du mich nicht siehst? We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. Gefragt von Bettina Bäumler. Im Anfang Zu Beginn Am Anfang 2 Da war die Erde Chaos und Wüste, Dunkelheit war da angesichts der Urflut, und Gottes °Geistkraft bewegte sich angesichts der Wasser. You know my sitting down and my rising up, If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. i. # Diese Überschrift soll wohl nur andeuten, daß der Psalm nach davidischem Muster gedichtet worden ist. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth, Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed, In Your book they were all written, the days fashioned for me. 3 Und wenn jemand etwas zu euch sagt, dann sagt, dass der, °dem ihr gehört sie braucht. 3 Da sprach Gott: »Licht werde«, und Licht wurde. i. In fact, David boasted I hate them with perfect hatred, regarding them as enemies. Still it is what every wise believer should desire.” (Boice), ii. Du stehst uns bei. Bei dir bin ich gern. Erfahre wer du wirklich bist! Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refuseing them will have impact how our site functions. Ps 139. “Any small thoughts that we may have of God are magnificently transcended by this psalm; yet for all its height and depth it remains intensely personal from first to last.” (Kidner), ii. Click on the different category headings to find out more. Some search, but know not; thou dost both.” (Trapp). The child is comforted that a loving parent watches over him; when we are confident in the love and care of God our Father, His constant knowledge of us is a comfort rather than a curse. Ephesians 2:10). i. David was undeniably God’s partisan. / Und wenn ich erwache, bin ich noch immer bei dir. Please see our Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. That fact that God knows and cares for children in the womb means that God’s concern for life begins at conception. The singer would weigh God’s thoughts towards him, and finds that they weigh down his scales.” (Maclaren), ii. Ob ich ruhe oder gehe, du prüfst es, / mit all meinen Wegen bist du vertraut. i. The process of a baby’s formation in a mother’s womb has always been as unseen and mysterious as that which happens in the lowest parts of the earth. Your Spirit?…. Nie war ich unsichtbar für dich, als ich unbemerkt Gestalt annahm, / tief unten auf der Erde kunstvoll zusammengefügt. ii. By proceeding, you consent to our cookie usage. As Jesus would later say, God knows the number of hairs on our head (Matthew 10:30). Jahwe, du hast mich erforscht und erkannt. It is personal and active.” (Kidner). Niemand kann mir den Boden unter den Füßen wegziehen. If you do not want that we track your visit to our site you can disable tracking in your browser here: We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. 2. “Very beautifully does the lowly prayer for searching and guidance follow the psalmist’s burst of fire. Ein Psalmlied von David. ... Ein Klassiker unter den Bibeln in zeitgemäßer Sprache ist die "Gute Nachricht". We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. Noch eh das Wort auf meine Zunge kommt, / hast du es schon gehört, Jahwe. ii. I hate them with perfect hatred; For You formed my inward parts: The God of all knowledge and constant presence had the care and concern to personally form the child in his mother’s womb. Unzählige Post- und Kalenderkarten sind mit seinem Text bedruckt. Das ist zu wunderbar für mich, es zu begreifen, / zu hoch, dass ich es verstehe! Try me, and know my anxieties: David wanted God to examine him and look for worry. This is another demonstration of his perfect knowledge and care. ii. Or where can I flee from Your presence? Please activate JavaScript to use the website. “Thoughts such as are natural to the Creator, the Preserver, the Redeemer, the Father, the Friend, are evermore flowing from the heart of the Lord. And in Your book they all were written, God hedged David on every side, so that nothing could come to David unless it first passed through God’s permission. i. We desire to go in the way everlasting – the way of eternal life; the way which we shall never need to retrace; the way that touches the deepest life possible to the creature.” (Meyer), ii. “Even these inconsiderable and casual things are under thy continual notice. He wanted to be on God’s side, and therefore even allowed himself to hate those who hated God. Bilder: 1 Die Urgeschichten und 2 Die Urväter. How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! Click to enable/disable Google Analytics tracking. How precious: “The root meaning of the word rendered ‘precious’ is weighty. Von Gott durchschautDem Chorleiter. Dem Chorleiter. The workings of the human body are stunning in their design and execution. 1 Dem Sangmeister. How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God: David was filled with amazement and adoration by considering how God knew and cared for him. Even when I am far away, You know what Iâm thinking. His life was written in the book of life, and each of his days was numbered.” (VanGemeren). Und Gott trennte das Licht von der Finsternis. Psalm 139:21-22 seems to be a very dubious and objectionable utterance. “The Psalmist speaks of God as a Person everywhere present in creation, yet distinct from creation. Yet God’s presence in hell will radiate none of His love and grace – only His righteous judgment. Psalm 23 Einsichten und Aussichten . Depart from me, therefore, you bloodthirsty men. Click to enable/disable _ga - Google Analytics Cookie. “You know that people are very proud if a king has merely looked at them; I have heard of a man who used to boast, all his life, that King George IV. “Darkness is light to Him, and has no hiding place from Him.” (Morgan). Der Herr ist mein Hirte (Psalm 23) Einschulungsgottesdienst der Christlichen Münster Schule am 02.09.2017 im Münster Psalm 23 in leichter Sprache 1 Mein Gott sorgt für mich. Genauso wie ein Hirte für seine Schafe sorgt. Auch die Finsternis ist nicht finster vor dir, / die Nacht leuchtet vor dir wie der Tag, / die Finsternis wäre wie das Licht. We know far more than David ever did about how we are made, and it should make us full of more awe and praise than David ever had. a. “He is not alarmed at the fact that God knows all about him; on the contrary, he is comforted, and even feels himself to be enriched, as with a casket of precious jewels. i. My frame was not hidden from You, Auf die hier im ersten Psalm zur Sprache kommenden Grundsätze greifen die Psalmen in der Folge häufig zurück. “We are neither to hate the men, on account of the vices they practice; nor to love the vices, for the sake of the men who practice them.” (Horne). Some Die EKiBa stellt eine Reihe von Psalmen in leichter Sprache zur Verfügung: Psalm 8 Psalm 22 (in Teilen, Passion) Psalm 23 (Vom guten Hirten) Psalm 24 (Adventspsalm) Psalm 36, 6 - 10 Psalm 91 Psalm 98 (Musikpsalm) Psalm 100 (zum neuen Jahr) Psalm 103 (in Auszügen) Psalm 104 Psalm 121 Psalm 126 Psalm 139 (im Wechsel) You have searched me and known me: David prayed to Yahweh, understandin⦠“The abrupt change in the psalm from reverie to resolve is disturbing, but wholly biblical in its realism.” (Kidner), ii. Psalmen sind poetische und zum Teil sehr persönliche Elemente des Lebens und Teil der Gottesdienste, der Feiern der Gemeinde. Kapitel 141: Eine Unterweisung Davids, ein Gebet, da er in der Höhle war. 1 Als sie in die Nähe Jerusalems kamen, gingen sie nach Betfage hinein, auf den Ölberg, und Jesus beauftragte zwei aus der Gruppe der °Jüngerinnen und Jünger: 2 »Geht in das Dorf vor euch. David knew that he could not know his heart at its depths, so he asked God to know it. b. ( Job 34:22; Da 2:22) u0003 u0002. Kapitel 140: Ein Psalm Davids. When as yet there were none of them. It means that God’s people have a responsibility to also know and care for children in the womb. Ein Psalmlied von David.Jahwe, du hast mich erforscht und erkannt. The history of interpretation of Psalm 139 reflects the problems people have always had with the contents of verses 21-22. Trusting the God of complete knowledge and constant presence would bring David to everlasting life. You can also change some of your preferences. Ich hätte gerne gewusst, ob es ein Werk gibt, wo man die Psalmen in moderner Sprache nachlesen kann. Psalm speaks about the closeness of God and about your identity. Try me, and know my anxieties; We need 2 cookies to store this setting. If I ascend into heaven, You are there; These cookies collect information that is used either in aggregate form to help us understand how our website is being used or how effective our marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our website and application for you in order to enhance your experience. Psalm 139. Psalm 139 demonstrates that God sees another person in the mother’s womb. It’s not just that God created everything – He created me. The theme overwhelms me. In fact, God’s right hand – His hand of skill and strength – would hold David no matter what may come. Denn du selbst hast mein Inneres gebildet, / mich zusammengefügt im Leib meiner Mutter. If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. You observe my wanderings and my sleeping, my waking and my dreaming, and You know everything I do in more detail than even I know. Psalm 23 in Leichter Sprache Aus Die Offene Bibel (Weitergeleitet von Psalm 23 in leichter Sprache) Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche. 4 Gott sah das Licht: Ja, es war gut. Der Mensch vor dem allwissenden Gott 1 [Für den Chormeister. Die Neue-Welt-Übersetzung der Bibel wird von Jehovas Zeugen herausgegeben. skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
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