Namensträgerin: Sandrine Bonnaire, französische Schauspielerin … Deutsch namen, Sandrine — (PR Sandrie, Sandra, Cindy) (2 avril) née en 1385 à Sumona, en Italie, religieuse clarisse, fonda à Foligno un monastère selon la règle de sainte Claire, mourut en 1458. Hahaha. And look at that garden of yours - it's so nice to get to ear home-grown vegetables! Not Victoria, just Vicki. As I got older, I liked my name and regretted never liking it. Now, hovering right above the cat are two things I do fear--bats! I hope you enjoy your visit today and thanks for taking the time to say "hello." Of course both of my sisters have rather unique, beautiful names so mine feels like an after thought. *Sandrilene fa Toren, character from Tamora Pierce's quartets. Michael, David and Jonathan.I love the picture of your grandson in your kitchen. ;-) #1 Author … As to my name, I have always hated it. I never liked it when I was young because it was so old fashioned but grew to love it because of the family links. Have fun with Baby B and his parents. One gets going and that's it; they all have to compete with each other. Take care. Thinking of you, Carol! Fête le 2 avril … Dictionnaire des saints, Sandrine — Provenance. (Not entering giveaway!). Mary is my middle name after my Mum's middle name and two of my Great Grandma's middle names. I've enjoyed reading your blog! Le fil rouge de mon travail consiste à reconnecter chaque individu à son propre pouvoir créateur et guérisseur. Definitely indicative of my age though since I graduated in a class of 83 with two others. And your little sweetheart is so beautiful!! They really look so nice together in bowl..What beautiful gifts you received. Diminutif d Alexandrine. As you can see, I put the fabric strip on the opposite side of that in the first finish. It's hard to believe a month has passed since my last post. Well, thing could be worse...they could have named me Mary Estelle!!! Living in Spain I get called all sorts of odd names as the `sh´ sound does not exist here and I´m mainly called anything that starts with the `ch´sound, like `cherry´ or `cheri´Have a lovely trip to see your new grandbabe. I've grown to like it once I figured if it's a good enough name for the mother of Jesus, it's good enough for me.Always love your stitching and look forward to the first of the month to read your blog. I have missed reading your blog. *Sandrina Malakiano, Indonesian journalist*Sandrine Bailly, French biathlete*Sandrine Blancke, Belgian actress*Sandrine Bonnaire, French actress*Sandrine Corman, Belgian model*Sandrine Erdely-Sayo, French pianist*Sandrine François, French singer*Sandrine Fricot, French high jumper*Sandrine Holt, Canadian actress*Sandrine Kiberlain, French actress*Sandrine Piau, French opera singer*Sandrine Renard, Canadian journalist*Sandrine Testud, French tennis player*Sandrine Veysset, French film director*Sandrine Van Handenhoven, Belgian singer. IMPACT - Mon secours est en Toi (Ps 121) IMPACT - Tu es notre Dieu (accoustique) IMPACT - Tu es notre Dieu. Have a safe trip to see your west coast family and grab some extra snuggles with Baby B! I was a very shy kid and the first few days of school were awful with being called Michael or Mitchell or something I have no idea how the teacher came up with. […] oben, Randnrn. They all have biblical names. It definitely changed the feeling of the holiday for me. Just perfect indeed. I have family members who still call me Sandra though. I love all 3 of your black cat pillows! I'd love to get to know you a bit better... With fall comes the job of cleaning up the garden which I leave to my husband. We have two grands that live in KS (we're in AZ). Koen SANDRA évolue dans le secteur d'activité de l'Ingénierie. To finish it, I added some black ric-rak and a thin border of an orange and black print fabric to the side. :)Have a wonderful stitchy week Carol. Plus tard,… … Dictionnaire des prénoms français, arabes et bretons, Sandrine Gruda — Fiche d’identité Nationalité … Wikipédia en Français, Sandrine Belier — Sandrine Bélier Sandrine Bélier Sandrine Bélier au colloque AFITE en 2008. The second pillow, called "Midnight Meeting" (from the October 2016 issue of Just Cross Stitch magazine, was stitched on the same fabric with the same thread colors that I chose for the pillow above. Bake the squash as you normally would be cutting in half and roasting in the oven until it's meat is soft..scoop out the meat and put in a pan. My husband is from New England and squash pie instead of pumpkin was common when he was growing up. I'm sorry I've not told you before! I never really heard about the superstitions surrounding black cats until a couple weeks ago. It's been a beautiful month here in the mid-Atlantic states with warm days and cool nights--perfect sleeping weather. I had stitched the one below on the left last year and decided to make two more and finish them in a similar way to display in this little wooden tray. Your husband’s garden is fantastic!!! I think I like "Midnight Meeting" no particular reason other than it has two of everything. I began stitching this one and thought, "Wait a minute! My Mom was going to name my little sister Hope but everyone kept telling her to name her hope so she named her Cynthia instead. Hello Carol,your three cat finish is wonderful I like them. Have a safe and healthy traveling. I will be able to read your blogs while I'm gone, but won't be able to comment on them. Peux tu te présenter en quelques mots ? This spring he put up a new deer and critter-proof fence and halved the size of our garden. Even then not everyone got it. They look just divine in that tray. I usually add to the consitency I would like for a sauce. The perfect visit for you!I hope your travels are safe, uneventful and that you have a great visit with Baby B and his Mom & Dad. It is a wonderful Halloween decoration.Mittlerweile mag ich meinen Namen. I love your 3 Blue Ribbon Black Cats! : Petya, c' est ton surnom. I hope you enjoy it. I haven't offered a giveaway in a while so how about the chance to win these two charts? My first name is Nan, not Nancy. I'm offering both because the chart for one is on the back of the photo for the other and I can't separate them. » Je suis praticienne chamanique et énergéticienne, organisatrice d’ateliers d’Art-thérapie et de Cercles de femmes, en Alsace. Außer meinen Eltern und Geschwister tut dies auch niemand und sie dürfen es. My e mail address is Stitchingaunt at g mail dot com. I love your black cat stitching and I think my favorite is the one on the left. Luckily, I had only stitched the cat's tail so I didn't have much to rip out! I've never gone by Mary and it causes trouble when I have to fill out forms with first name, middle initial. We've had some snow here in western Pennsylvania this week and it is so fresh and peaceful looking. Wouldn't I love that!!! I have always loved Carol for all the reasons you mention.Enjoy your visit! Das ist die Koseform von Eleanor, nicht wahr? When I was in fourth grade, I went through a rather unfortunate phase of wanting to be called "Margie." Ritter von Küssnach, Eppo, ist eine Koseform des Namens Eghart. This year was definitely a transition year and my husband hopes to plant more flowers and a wider variety of vegetables next year. Sur l'année 2015 elle réalise un chiffre d'affaires de 74500,00 EU . It has been several years since I lost my mother and every now and then I think oh I need to ask mom about that. My favourite would be the middle one, "Midnight Meeting". Would you like to see a photo of my sweet Shadow who started my love for all-black cats? My favorite is the last one too. Kit Kat. Although I'm not usually fond of Halloween, these ghosts and pumpkins look friendly and cute, as you said. afficher. Not sure what my parents were thinking. Précédent Suivant. As a child I was called Catherine which made me feel regal. When I was in third grade a friend gently teased me about my name saying "what's going to happen when you're 60 years old with a name like Vicki? I had to chuckle when you said your cat Shadow was more like a dog. I turned 65 this year and we divide our time between Florida and Illinois. There were lots of tomatoes and butternut squash... Actually, there are way too many butternut squash--we have almost 20! i forgot to answer your question. View the profiles of people named Sandra Kofler. Thank Goodness that one didn't stick.Your garden is beautiful! Thank you for the drawing. I do like it and like that those closer call me Jen - I guess I liked it well enough to name my daughter Jenna with a very close companion! The border on this third design was totally different and done in green so I re-charted it to match the borders on the other two. Oh the garden! It has taken years to accept my first name and to learn to not associate it with things about the past. Such a good grandma already <3. Please don't enter me into the drawing. Hi Carol,I love how you reworked the designs so they would coordinate together. Oh and I forgot ---I like my name. It's Vicki. Join Facebook to connect with Sandra Kostro and others you may know. C' est le diminutif de " Alexandra" et le prénom de la fille de Tolstoï. Don't forget, if you want to enter the giveaway, please make sure to include your email address (and that goes for anyone who wants a reply to a question as well, please). Comment: Liebe Grüße und vielen Dank im Voraus! 29:15 . Hi Carol, have a great time with Baby B and family in CA.Your 3 Halloween cushions are wonderful. I loved every minute that I spent in my little library. 44 Followers, 38 Following, 0 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Sandra Kosik (@sandra.kosik) Lots of teasing in school over it. And the other is called "Toy-Lovers Santa" and features good St. Nick carrying a bag of toys and carrying a snow globe with what appears to be a tiny Nativity scene inside. I am named after my mother, also Patricia. Love your black cat finishes! 9,642 Followers, 592 Following, 660 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Sandra Kouame-Desroches (@sandra_kouame) Instagram friend Claire, in Canada, made me this darling scissor fob with the tiniest "over one" cardinals and the letter "C.". I don't like my name, haha. The vet said he could double as a panther in an action movie--he was that big. I had a black cat called Spook or Spooky, she was a rescue and very nervous to start with.My Dad chose my name, which is Joanne. I'm named Mary, and I never liked the name; but it beats my parent's second choice - Maude! My mom and dad named me Carol as I was supposed to be born on Christmas, but just wasn't ready to appear until mid-January. Notre pauvre jardin était bien miséreux cette année... Mon prénom je le trouve quelconque, je ne l'aime pas plus que ça, je ne saurais d'ailleurs pas dire pourquoi... Peut-être parce que mon père biologique a participer à ce choix. Unfortunately, I got ... My first post of 2014! She had a kitten in her mouth and was bringing it to me to show off. !I loved reading this post that you shared with us and loved the cats you stitched - very creative and very festive for Halloween ! You received some lovely gifts. I'm still planning on doing a memorial tribute for my dear mother, just need to get a bit stronger. Your finishing is perfection!I love butternut squash! What lovely gifts you received. So, for names, Jennifer was to the 70’s what Carol was to the 50’s - the most common name the year I was born. It will be fun to read all about your trip and hopefully, you will be able to share a few current photos of Baby B. I think he’s 3 months old today! That photo of your little grandson is precious! :) Have a safe trip!! Happy 3 month Birthday! We lost my husbands mother two weeks ago. I so wanted a common, easy to pronounce name like Ann or Linda or Patty. I'll look through my recipe app and email it to you. Wouldn't it be great to just know right away and get right to those dimples? Tous sont noirs et sont vraiment des amours. I loved her as though she was my mom and I will miss her a lot. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata Étienne Sandorfi (de son nom original István Sándorfi), né le 12 juin 1948 à Budapest et mort le 26 décembre 2007 à Paris , est un peintre hongrois . I get your blog in my email. May I suggest you give the squash to a food pantry? Good luck to all! I loved your black cats and am a fan of them also as we've had several very special ones over the years. My first name is Roberta, I don’t mind it which is a good thing because with identity theft I have had to get in touch with my inner Roberta. My mother thought Nancy was too common and she wanted me to have the same initials as her....her name was Naomi. what a beautiful color combo!My name.... hmmm. Fantastic gifts. Histoire. Not sure i... Greetings from Pennsylvania on a lovely spring day! Ob sie das mögen wird? He had a little sister who died named Helen and I always wondered if that was why he vetoed Ellen. She wasn't a snuggly kitty--she was all business.I've never minded my name-people usually think you were born in that month, but no, my dad just liked the name. And, he was the very best pet for our boys--he followed them around in the yard, slept with my middle son, and really behaved much more like a dog than a cat. Author Andreana (552596) 03 Sep 11, 04:42; Comment: Auntie, versuch's doch mal mit niecie Oder du diminutivierst ihren Vornamen nach bewährtem Muster . I like my name okay. Join Facebook to connect with Sandra Kovzan and others you may know. I want my summer back!! Oh well, at 63, I’ve lived with it this long..... LOL!Love your blog!Pam. I would like to enter your drawing for the santa pattern and band pattern if it's still available. I love your Halloween stitches. I love all 3 of the black cats (I am a cat lover anyway). I think It is a pretty name, which also screams late 50s early 60s. I love and enjoy your blog so much! My first name is Mary, after my paternal grandmother. Not that I have to tell you that though. Well, having had a black cat named Shadow for 14 years when my sons were growing up was one of the best chapters in my life. My niece always makes butternut squash soup for the fall - I don’t know her recipe but I think it is fairly easy and probably would be easy to find with a quick google search. I just love the old Leisure Arts magazines that I kept. Growing up we had a black cat (who came there as a stray) Atilla actually took a dog out of the yard--She would also kill flies! It is a diminutive form of Sandra, a shortened form of Alexandra, the female version of Alexander, which means "Protector of Men". Well, I'm 64 now and I can wear a pony tail occasionally, but I really wish my name was Victoria. Tom SANDRA fait partie du réseau de Koen SANDRA il est Président dans l'entreprise R.I.C.. I love your black cats and how you've revised the patterns to create the set! Belinda is such a great designer of smalls! I was surprised about them because I knew you really didn't do Halloween like yours truly. They are just so cute! He, sadly, developed a tumor in his intestines and, even though we had him operated on, he ended up dying of it about 18 months later. How sweet. If you would like to win these two charts (which are torn from a magazine and will be folded to fit in a legal sized envelope to keep postage costs down): Love how the pink and white flowers look in the Delft pieces from my dear mother. Thank you for offering the drawing. I don't mind them because I hear they eat lots of mosquitoes. November 1972 in London, geboren als Sandrine Ho; chinesisch: 何家蓓; pinyin: Hé Jiābèi) ist eine kanadische Schauspielerin. Le coût élevé d'une vie misérable - Joyce Meyer Vivre pleinement sa vie ! These cute pillows are all designed by Blue Ribbon Designs and were featured in various Just Cross Stitch Magazines. Koseform von Nichte ; Sources: Meine Nichte nennt mich immer "aunty" - kennt jemand vielleicht eine entsprechende Koseform von "niece"? französische Koseform von → Sandra (Bedeutung: Beschützerin). You deserve them. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog, as always I was very happy about it. We lived in a two-story log home and one summer night I was sleeping out on the second-story deck in a sleeping bag. I am a Sandra who shortened it to Sandy. C'était un ignoble personnage, cruel, ne pensant qu'à faire du mal aux plus faibles que lui.. Il nous battait Maman et moi jusqu'à ce qu'elle décide de s'enfuir avec ma petite soeur et moi pour lui échapper et demander le divorce.. Oui peut-être que je n'aime pas plus que ça mon prénom à cause de ça... Bonne visite à votre charmant petit fils, profitez-en, c'est tellement agréable des les câliner nos petits enfants...Amitiés de France,Christel En tout nous avons 5 chats à la maison 2 noirs Theo et Tahiti, 2 tigrés Sakura et Cookie et une noire et blanche Timy. I mean look at that sweet dimple... sigh! Where do I start? Namensträgerin: Sandrine Bonnaire, französische Schauspielerin Als Kind habe ich ihn nicht gemocht, aber ich denke so geht es vielen Kindern. I wanted to say how sorry I am about your mother. Les autres ont eu une maladie qui nous a obligé à les enlever. Une belle décoration automnale.Quel joli jardin !! Mirja : Kurzform von Mirjam Mirjam : Andere Form von Miriam Mirjana : Slawische Form von Miriam Mirka : Weibliche Form von Mirko Modesta : Weibliche Form von Modest Modeste : Andere … Here is a close-up of it all finished up... what do you think? It probably (obviously) didn't mean much to them as infants, but it meant the world to us and it served to help them know our voices when we got to visit in person.I hate my first name. Join Facebook to connect with Sandra Kofler and others you may know. Thank you. I didn’t like my name when I was a kid, but now I’m happy with it. I imagine they do behave and are much quieter than dogs; especially our dogs! I was named after my mom's best friend. You can use it just like pumpkin in baked goods--pie, bread, etc. I love the Katie though. I am entering the drawing too, I volunteer in a food pantry and we always appreciated the donations. Grandkids are great! Oh! Good Morning, I just discovered your blog and I am loving going back and reading your blogs. I named her "Kit Kat" (after one of my favorite candy bars) and she was so sweet. Béatifiée. Wish us luck! Was born in December and couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t Noelle or Christine. I'm very impressed with how responsible you are quaranteening every time you meet him. | 500+ relations | Voir la page d’accueil, le profil, l’activité et les articles de SANDRA I see you've returned home from visiting B! traduction Koseform von dans le dictionnaire Allemand - Francais de Reverso, voir aussi 'Koseform',Kosewort',konform',kosen', conjugaison, expressions idiomatiques (now the beekeeping has become his favorite hobby.) !Have a wonderful visit with the grand baby---I know you will!!! Députée européenne Actuellement en fonction Depuis le 14 juillet … Wikipédia en Français, Sandrine Bailly — Verband Frankre … Deutsch Wikipedia, Sandrine Bélier — Mandats Députée européenne … Wikipédia en Français, Sandrine Holt — (* 19. The block walkway was ingenious to keep it neat and tidy too. (does that make me weird?). Afficher les profils des personnes qui s’appellent Sandra Kowalski. Most people who know me still call me Suzan but if I am flying or using my credit card Roberta is the name I am called. I would have much rather be named Debbie, Kathy or Linda like all my Have fun with Baby B, there is nothing like those sweet baby days. My Mom named my brothers. Have a nice journey and a wonderful time with your grandchild.Enjoy the days in California.Until the next time, Manuela, Your trio of cats are awesome Carol, very nice finishes.I like the Startled Cat the most.Great pic of Shadow, I love black cats.I wish I could have one, but after I moved away from home (we had a cat), I became severely allergic to them.Cute gifts you received.I think my name is ok, but hardly anyone calls me that.My family calls me Mary, niece & nephew call me Aunt Mary, and, my maiden name is Murphy, so most people call me Murf, or Murphy.You have a nice little garden.I use Butternut Squash in place of potatoes in stew, it's delicious.Have fun visiting Baby B, he's so cute!Marilyn. OK, Dictionnaire des prénoms français, arabes et bretons, List of towns and cities in Wales by population. At first glance I thought they were Prairie Schooler!Such thoughtful gifts from dear friends!Now that I'm older, I do like my name, but growing up, I hated it. I've not decorated much for Halloween in a very long time. I know you'll all be envious when I tell you what my hus... Hello everyone! I also quilt and share them with our local women’s health View the profiles of people named Sandra Kovzan. My mother wanted to name me Ellen which I would much prefer but my Daddy did not like Ellen.
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