read more, Studio CRR is an independent, interdisciplinary Zurich based design consultancy. Engagements am Schauspielhaus Bochum und am Schauspielhaus Zürich, ab 2007 Ensemblemitglied am Schauspiel Köln. Der Kirschgarten soll verkauft werden. Project: Research. Michael Neuenschwander // Michael Neuenschwander was born in Bern in 1962. The original interiors of the large entrance hall, the bedrooms and the living room were preserved and subtly restored. Studio CRR developed a concept symbolizing the meeting of these two collection: Thick white cardboard covers resembling the museum enfolding the various art pieces from the Falckenberg Collection. From 1998 to 2001, he was with Theater Basel, and from 2001 to 2004, he was an ensemble member at the … The project is at its start for we are heading off to an inspiring corporate publishing project engaging with various stake holders to design a concise contemporary chronicle. On Saturday, December 14th don’t miss the premiere of “Der Kirschgarten” at Schauspielhaus. read more, Studio CRR Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht der Eigeninszenierungen am Schauspielhaus Zürich von 1938 bis 2009 zum Download als pdf-Datei. Tschechows Kirschgarten ist die Geschichte einer Statusverschiebung. Für ihre erste Zürcher Inszenierung überzieht sie die Schweiz mit Kirschbäumen., Studio CRR crafted a comprehensive publication concept – part of the corporate design program of the Berliner Festspiele – to compile a coherent visual communication of the festival within the overall visual language of the Berliner Festspiele. Every May the most significant theatre professionals from Germany, journalists and international guests meet in Berlin. read more, Studio CRR has developed the programs for the plays according to the following principles: A single folder establishes a common visual platform for each program, which is then customized with the individual seal of each play. Von 2006 bis 2012 war er Schauspieldirektor am Theater Basel. Ross’ Tschechow-Überschreibung sucht nach nicht weniger als nach dem letzten Verbindenden zwischen Menschen.» (NZZ, 16.12.2019), «Beziehungen und Beziehungsmuster werden sichtbar, Konflikte auf- und ausgestellt. Subsequently he appeared on numerous German-language stages, including the Schillertheater Berlin, the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, the Schauspiel Frankfurt am Main, the Deutsche Schauspielhaus Hamburg, the Staatstheater Stuttgart as well as the Schauspielhaus Zürich. Um herauszufinden, was eine Gesellschaft verbinden kann, gilt es, herauszufinden, was sie trennt. Der Kirschgarten liegt unter Zürich, als manifestes und umkämpftes Terrain. Studio read more, Studio CRR was asked to design a layout and typographic style for a series of books entitled 'Schriften zur Gestaltung', a scientific reader about design propositions, published by the University of Design and Art Zurich and Birkhäuser. Download PDF. read more, Studio CRR has no job vacancies at this moment. read more, Studio CRR was commissioned after an extensive international creative evaluation to craft a new corporate design program to re-brand the Berliner Festspiele — a unique body of art festivals in Berlin. Kuitca's work enclose recurrent themes of architecture, theater and cartography: read more, With a legacy in editorial and print design, Studio CRR designs publications and books for a wide range of formats such as art books, annual reports, brochures and magazines. The modular kitchen furniture is based on the Chascha, a single box as a key module delivering the proportions and the systematic approach of the design. So, 18.12.2016 | 19:00 UHR Pfauen Rämistrasse 34 | Zürich TICKET. The Swiss Design Network has been active in the field of design research by networking with an extensive group researchers from the Swiss Design Universities and by publishing their proceedings. View all (31) » Projects. Free after the Cherry Orchard by A. Tschechow Director: Yana Ross Scenic Design: Justyna Elminowska Lighting Design: Vilius Vilutis Costume Design: Zane Pihlstrom Sound Design: Jonas Redig Video: Algirdas Gradauskas Live Video :Julian Gresenz Choreography: Evelina Stampa Dramaturgie: Fadrina Arpagaus Schauspielhaus Zürich … Der Kirschgarten. The learnings, the enhanced visibility and the greater safety aspect of the design developed by Studio CRR read more, With a strong heritage in developing design and visual language programs, Studio CRR coaches and advises executives on creative projects ranging from mapping and sketching initial strategies and briefs throughout counseling entire design processes read more, Studio CRR was commissioned to draft the new corporate design for the Berliner Festspiele after an extensive design competition. read more, The increasingly apparent negative attitude of some motorists towards highway improvement works in the canton of Zurich was beginning to pose a danger to maintenance personal operating at roadside locations. 2019 – 2020 Die Verlobung in St. Domingo. Fotzi Sophia Bodamer Theatre: Schauspielhaus Zurich. History The first permanent theatre, the Aktientheater, was built in 1834 and it… read more, The development of the visual language for SIG included an analysis of the company publications performance rate including brochures, customer magazines and corporate newsletter. read more, Studio CRR has been commissioned to collaborate with the Nestlé Corporate Identity & Design team to craft the Nestlé 150 Years Chronicle which will be released during the 150 years anniversary of Nestlé early 2016. When landlady Ranevskaya returns to her childhood estate after years abroad, land tenure laws and power relations have changed, and the relationships being so new are still too fragile to provide a foundation for the future. In dieser hochgelobten Inszenierung ist Tschechows „Kirschgarten“ die Vorlage für eine Studie zur Ergründung von Gefühlszuständen. Kulturmagnet highlights . The proposed corporate design program conveyed a logomark concept that installed one single visual key element common to all departments — the heraldic form of the Swiss flag — to be accompanied by each department's unique context oriented pictogram series reflecting the departments business. ... Schauspielhaus Zürich. KIRSCHGARTEN. Thus, the developed concept shall provide the capabilities to generate and allow a visual as well as editorial interaction and reference among the individual festivals for the visual communication of the different festival becomes the core of the corporate design program of the Berliner Festspiele. Pictures: Zoé Aubry. Und er wird es auch. It is also known as "Pfauenbühne" (Pfauen Stage). Für alle an Kulturpolitik Interessierten. This included an custom typeface, a logomark enabling to generate a series of patterns for various forms of applications, a set of stationary items and a company brochure. Im Anschluss an die Premiere von Karin Henkels Kölner „Kirschgarten“-Inszenierung trafen sich die Blogger Matt, Anna und Fadrina im Blogger-Büro zum kritischen Gespräch. Two years later, Beckmann joined the ensemble of the Schauspiel Köln. Wem gehört dieses Land heute, das einst von Bauern bewirtschaftet und besessen wurde? Sabeth Bastian Kraft Theatre: Schauspielhaus Zürich. The Zurich Opera House. Després de la seva renovació i ampliació entre 1982 i 1984, va ser reinaugurat amb les òperes Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (Richard Wagner) i Der Kirschgarten (Rudolf Kelterborn). She went on to stage productions at Thalia Theater in Hamburg, Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Schauspielhaus Bochum, Schauspiel Leipzig, Schauspielhaus Zürich (“Woyzeck” 1999, “Das weite Land“ 2004), Deutsches Theater Berlin and Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus. Lena Schwarz als Ljubow Andrejewna Ranjewskaja und Matthias Bundschuh als Leonid Andrejewitsch Gajew in "Der Kirschgarten", Schauspielhaus Köln. «Dem Zürcher Sprechtheater ist ein Sprung in die Gegenwart geglückt. These principles allowed the design of a series of programs that were each individual yet established a clear overall visual identity for the Schauspielhaus Zürich. read more, Studio CRR has crafted for the photographic works of Christian Riis Ruggaber a visual design program. Unseres Privilegs und unserer Möglichkeiten bewusst und ebenso der künstlerischen Vielfalt dieser Stadt, öffnen wir die Pfauenbühne für freischaffende Künstler*innen aus Theater, Musik, Literatur, Tanz, Performance oder Comedy. Schauspielhaus Zürich 2020. Finally, each folder complemented with a season calendar and performance overview. On Saturday, 14 November, our first premiere for 50 visitors was supposed to be the world premiere of Nicolas Stemann's King of Frogs. In collaboration with architects, engineers and planers from our network of creative talents, Studio CRR designs an intensive concerted project development process to generate refreshing architectural read more, Studio CRR was invited to explore the potential of an entire corporate design program for the entity of the Federal Authorities of the Swiss Confederation. read more, Studio CRR organizes refreshing customized design workshops for executives and teams tailored to explore, evaluate or to kick start specific creative strategies, processes and projects leading to bespoke design solutions which incorporate as well convey a unique brand statement. read more, With the kitchen system Cascha (rumantsch, box) Studio CRR has drafted its very first furniture design project: The system consists of the modules Cascha (box), Platta (stove), Spensa (kitchen cabinet) and Maisa, Banc and Taburet (table, bench and stool). Schauspielhaus Zürich. The content of each folder is designed according to the context of the individual play and is not bound by any specific guidelines. Chekhov’s Cherry Orchard is the story of a social shift. Einführung 30 Min vor der Aufführung am 16.12., 18.12., 21.12., 07.01., 14.01., 16.01., 22.01., 24.01., 25.01., 30.01., 11.02., 18.02. und 09.04. The design works commissioned included publications, brochures, invitation cards and posters. Der Kirschgarten. In Zürich zeichnete er für Bühnenbild und Kostüme von Aus einem Totenhaus in der ... Nach zwei­jähriger Assistentenzeit am Deutschen Schauspielhaus in Hamburg arbeitete sie als Kostümbildnerin mit vielen bekannten Regisseuren zusammen. read more, Studio CRR was contracted to design a global visual language program for SIG, a worldwide packaging company, founded in 1853 producing a wide range of nutritional and liquid packing solutions. Ross’ Tschechow-Überschreibung sucht nach nicht weniger als nach dem letzten Verbindenden zwischen Menschen.» (NZZ, 16.12.2019) It has been the home of the Zurich Opera since 1891. Berliner Theatertreffen 3sat-Preisträger Nestroy-Preisträger: beste deutschsprachige Aufführung Wer hat über Herkunft, Klasse und Kontostand Teil an seinem Besitz? A distinct typographic language complements the precise photographic work read more, Together with the doctoral program for scenography of the Zurich University of the Arts, Studio CRR was commissioned to design the publication *Space and Power: read more, Hauser&Wirth commissioned Studio CRR to design an art book for Argentinean Guillermo Kuitca. After research on its historical development, Studio CRR freed the original architectural composition of the building and complemented it with a plywood mono-structure combining heritage with contemporary architecture. Huber’s version features both a newly written version of the text and a new storyline by Stephan Teuwissen, with whom she’s previously successfully collaborated with on Bartleby, der Schreiber after Melville at the Schauspielhaus Zürich. Eingeladen zum 57. The safety design which Studio CRR has been developing for the road authorities of the Kanton Zürich has been utilized and published within a law making decision process in 2011. The canton's highway department asked Studio CRR to develop a range of strategic design solutions in order to combat such problems. Yana Ross treibt es in ihrer Zürcher Inszenierung auf die Spitze, klar und unterhaltsam.» (SRF, 16.12.2019), «Leo hat auf eine irritierend lustige Art schlechte Laune, wie es nur Menschen am Rande einer Depression haben. 141 likes. 8047 Zürich Foto: Sebastian Hoppe. Year Production name Role Director Theatre; 2020: Der Kirschgarten: Anja: Christos Passalis, Angeliki Papoulia: Theater Luzern: 2019 - 2020: Die Verlobung in St. Domingo Thus, it has also been the very first publication utilizing the newly developed corporate design for the Schauspielhaus Zürich, Studio CRR has designed a black book referring to the black stages within the theatre. After completing his formal training at Bern University of the Arts, he performed at Stadttheater Aachen and Staatsschauspiel Dresden. read more, The photographic language, we established for SIG as a part of the visual language program, spanned across many areas including industry, people, architecture and product photography. read more, Establishing design projects requires often shot term additional design management resources for Studio CRR provides temporary bespoke internal design management support to assist organizations and institutions to develop, execute and read more, Studio CRR has developed the programs for the plays according to the following principles: A single folder establishes a common visual platform for each program, which is then customized with the individual seal of each play. Staging Difficult Pasts: Of Narratives, Objects and Public Memory. read more, With a strong background in engineering corporate identities and visual language programs for companies and institutions, Studio CRR explores and evaluates market behaviours and potentials through assessing adequate intelligence. The Berliner Festspiele — a unique body of five major art festivals in Berlin uniting a wide-ranging of artistic programs spanning music, dance, theatre, literature and the visual arts as well as incorporating the art museum Martin-Gropius-Bau — with the new artistic director Thomas Oberender read more, Rutschi AG — one of the leading providers in Switzerland of visual display systems — commissioned Studio CRR design a visual language for a new sub-brand focussing on the distribution and sale of adhesive decoration foils in large as well as small quantities. read more, The Zurich University of the Arts — ZHDK commissioned Studio CRR to produce publications for communication and academic activities on a regular basis. In this version, the … The content of each folder is designed according to the context of the individual play and is not bound by any specific guidelines. Embodied Performance Practices in Processes of Reconciliation, Construction of Memory and Peace in Choco and Medio Pacifico, Colombia. read more, IPAG is a small, boutique recruitment firm who commissioned Studio CRR to develop a new corporate design program. Der Kirschgarten liegt unter Zürich, als manifestes und umkämpftes Terrain. Bei Fragen steht Ihnen unser Archivar Adrian Feller gerne zur Verfügung: +41 44 258 72 02 Doch die neuen Beziehungen sind noch zu fragil, um für die Zukunft zu halten. Karin Henkel. Peter Brombacher, born in Freiburg im Breisgau, was given his first engagement at the Schauspielhaus Bochum in 1963. read more, The sites we engineer guarantee a consistent brand image with offline applications. Steven Sowah // Steven Sowah, born in Hamburg in 1990, gained his first acting experience as a child in productions in the Malersaal of Deutsches Schauspielhaus and in the musical The Lion King. 2005 erhielt sie den Solopreis des Bundeswettbewerbs zur Förderung des Schauspielnachwuchses. Theater Stock Zürich, Allerheiligen Directing 2020 Der Streik a Musical by Nicolas Stemann after Rands 'Atlas Shrugged' Schauspielhaus Zürich Choreography 2019/ 2020 Kirschgarten free after A. Checkov and directed by Yana Ross Schauspielhaus Zürich Choreography Proudly powered by Weebly. Such as the publication Research and Development, 2001-2003, read more, Studio CRR offers creative direction and art direction for architectural projects. Dezember 2019, 19:30, Pfauen Ranjewskajas Kirschgarten ist verkauft worden. Der Kirschgarten // The cherry orchard must be sold. Sie sagt, sie fühle sich mit der Sprache blockiert, und spuckt dabei die Worte aus, als lägen sie wie Würfel im Mund.» (St. Galler Tagblatt, 16.12.2019), «Mama!, schreit am Ende die Tochter Anja ihre Sehnsucht durch die Glaswand der Psychiatrie ins Leere. read more, The safety design which Studio CRR has been developing for the road authorities of the Kanton Zürich has been utilized and published within a law making decision process in 2011. directed by Stefan Pucher, Schauspielhaus Zürich and for the role in the ensemble of “Die schöne Müllerin” directed by Christoph Marthaler, Schauspielhaus Zürich Juror: Elisabeth Trissenar. Each image possessed a signifying visual element that then made it instantly recognisable as part of the same visual language, helping SIG to build a strong and distinctive visual presence with a precise and fresh selection of context driven photographs. Thus, Studio CRR distributed pocket film cameras to the employees and students to document the everyday life receiving an refreshing portrait of the Zurich University of the Arts — ZHDK. Doch für… read more, Resulting from Studio CRR's successful safety design development for the road authorities of the canton Zurich, Studio CRR has been commissioned to engineer the complete brand strategy and corporate design program for Visual Safety — read more, To implement the developed corporate design program for MY STOP, read more, With great attention to the conversion of brand strategies into visual brand assets and a distinct corporate design, Studio CRR develops strong typographic and visual structures to layout and foster a bespoke brand image read more, As part of corporate identity program for MY STOP, read more, The signage system — part of the corporate design program of MY STOP — read more, Studio CRR was commissioned to develop and design a new brand concept for the motorway service station chain MY STOP. 2017 Homo Faber. Ein grimmiges Märchen spielt am Schauspielhaus Zürich mit den Stärken von Nicolas Stemanns Crew. Ab 1995 war er als freier Regisseur tätig und inszenierte u. a. am Theater Lübeck, Staatstheater Kassel, Theater Neumarkt Zürich, Staatstheater Hannover, Teatr Russkoj Drami, Kiew, Schauspielhaus Zürich und am Grillo Theater Essen. Karin Henkel was born in Cologne in 1970 and began her directing career at the Vienna Burgtheater. read more, The seasonal catalogue for the "Schauspielhaus Zurich" is the key publication within the theatre's promotional strategy introducing the new seasonal program and the cast. Im Versuch zu beschreiben, was dem Zusammenleben einer Gemeinschaft Bodenhaftung geben könnte, durchleuchtet Regisseurin Yana Ross sichtbare und unsichtbare soziale Unterschiede und arrangiert Eingesessene und Eingewanderte zu einer Familienaufstellung. Anja Christos Passalis, Angeliki Papoulia Theatre: Theater Luzern. The large theatre has 750 seats. Von 1999 bis 2005 war er Hausregisseur am Schauspiel Stuttgart. Auf- und Abstiege im Wohlstandsgefüge lassen den sozialen Kitt brüchig werden. Switzerland, T + 41 44 440 41 41 The learnings, the enhanced visibility and the greater safety aspect of the design developed by Studio CRR read more The annual report for the Zurich University of the Arts — ZHDK has been awarded as one of the The Most Beautiful Books. Seit 1995 beschäftigte sie sich zunehmend auch mit dem Musiktheater. Such as the Annual Report 2001, Studio CRR has set a photographic report of the university aside the actual reports of the different faculties and departments. The Congo Tribunal is in session on Sunday at the Schauspielhaus Zürich - a world economic court of civil society initiated by Milo Rau. Research output: Contribution to journal › Book/Film/Article review. Working with a broad range of clients from privately owned companies to multinational corporations and cultural institutions, Studio CRR follows its design principles to craft effective, thoughtful and distinctive strategy and concept driven design solutions. Watch clichés of marriage , lovers and jealousy come to life. He played at the Residenztheater Munich, the Schiller Theater Berlin, the Freie Volksbühne Berlin and the Theater Basel. read more, Studio CRR has developed the programs for the plays according to the following principles: A single folder establishes a common visual platform for each program, which is then customized with the individual seal of each play. read more, The Zurich University of the Arts — ZHDK commissioned Studio CRR to produce publications for communication and academic activities on a regular basis. And it will be sold too. read more, H32 is a historic farmhouse located in Bergün/Bravougn, a quiet village in the Swiss Alps, which Studio CRR was commissioned to transform into a modern weekend retreat. Studio CRR and Christian Riis Ruggaber are delighted to invite for our Open House on November 11th, 2016. Gottfried Breitfuss // Gottfried Breitfuss, born in 1958 in Maishofen, Austria, studied acting at the University of Music and Dramatic Arts Mozarteum Salzburg. Als die Hausherrin Ranjewskaja nach Jahren im Ausland auf das Gut ihrer Kindheit zurückkehrt, haben sich die Besitz- und Machtverhältnisse verändert. The content of each folder is designed according to the context of the individual play and is not bound by any specific guidelines. This Friday, December 13th have a good laugh at Opernhaus Zürich, with “Il turco in Italia”, a dramma buffo by Gioachino Rossini. Das Schauspielhaus Zürich spielt weiter, auch für 50 Personen. Die wunderbar feinsinnige Wiebke Mollenhauer tut es schmerzhaft wahr.» (NZZ, 16.12.2019), «Mitten in der Schwärze hat man das seltsame Gefühl, als hätte man voll mitgelebt in diesen drei Therapiestunden.» (Tages Anzeiger, 16.12.2019), Unterstützt vom Förder Circle des Schauspielhauses, Statt zu fliegen, read more, Studio CRR has been assigned to support the Swiss Design Network with a variety of graphical projects to document their work within the field of Design Research. read more, Studio CRR has developed the programs for the plays according to the following principles: A single folder establishes a common visual platform read more, Studio CRR has developed the programs for the plays according to the following principles: A single folder establishes a common visual platform for each program, which is then customized with the individual seal of each play. read more, Bundeswettbewerbe der Berliner Festspiele, Federal Authorities of the Swiss Confederation. Inszenierung: Yana Ross. Parlamentarische Gruppe Kultur - Kantonsrat Zürich, Zürich (Zürich, Switzerland). 'Der Kirschgarten' (The Cherry Orchard) at Schauspielhaus Zürich. Von 1943 bis 1946 trat Morath im Schauspielhaus Zürich unter der Leitung von Oscar Wälterlin auf, wo er die Rollen Acaste in Molières «Der Misanthrop», Biondello in Shakespeares «Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung», Jimmy Farrell in Synges «Der Held des Westerlandes» und Lakai Jascha in Tschechows «Der Kirschgarten» übernahm. read more, Within the corporate design program crafted for the Berliner Festspiele, Studio CRR has developed a distinct visual language for the Bundeswettbewerbe der Berliner Festspiele – a series of national youth contests. Freilagerstrasse 25 The centrepiece of the Theatertreffen are the ten most remarkable productions selected each year by an independent jury of critics from around 400 plays presented in one season. read more, Studio CRR was assigned to develop a new visual language read more, Studio CRR has been commissioned to design the exhibition catalogue for the exhibition I hate you — The Falckenberg Collection Meets Louisiana at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art. «Dem Zürcher Sprechtheater ist ein Sprung in die Gegenwart geglückt. From 1994 to 1998, he was an ensemble member at Zürcher Theater Neumarkt. The multicultural and contemporary characters of the different festivals united in the Berliner Festspiele offer a wide-ranging artistic program with content spanning music, dance, theatre, literature and the visual arts. Each is developed to permit refreshing functional interaction to refine brand image within the digital media formats. read more, The newly appointed Board of International Research in Design — B.I.R.D. hüpfe ich wie eine Henne, Abgeholzte Leben, abgewirtschaftete Seelen. Finally, each folder complemented with a season calendar and performance overview. Opernhaus Zürich (Zurich Opera House) is an opera house in the Swiss city of Zurich. Inicialment concebut per a teatre parlat i cantat, després de la inauguració del Schauspielhaus Zürich, es va limitar a la representació d'òpera, operetes i ballet. The Deathbed of Katherine Dunham is part of the trilogy Porca Miseria, commissioned by Manchester International Festival, Schauspielhaus Zürich, Onassis Stegi, Kampnagel Hamburg, Holland Festival, Barbican, Dance Umbrella, NYU Skirball, Berliner Festspiele & The Arts Center at NYU Abu Dhabi In 2005, she began to work at the Schauspielhaus Zürich, and that same year she won the federal award for emerging acting talents. More information A production of Schauspielhaus Zürich. 2014 – 2015 Drei Schwestern. 2015 Übergewicht, unwichtig: unform. However, due to illness in the artistic direction team during the final rehearsals and in consideration of the uncertain circumstances and further developments concerning Covid-19, we have decided to postpone the production to the new 2021/22 season. Nach: Anton Tschechow The facade of the farmhouse was restored to it’s former historical exterior, the old barn was completely stripped and converted into a large encapsuled courtyard and the kitchen was re-fitted with custom designed furnishings by Studio CRR. Und inwieweit ist dieser Boden auch ein inneres Land: Wo verwurzelt man sich mental und emotional, wenn der gemeinsame Ankerpunkt eine geteilte Erzählung von Heimat ist? Co-Präsidium: Sonja Rueff-Frenkel (FDP) & Andreas Hauri (glp) The Schauspielhaus Zürich (English: Zürich playhouse) is one of the most prominent and important theatres in the German-speaking world. Von / By: Anton Tschechow Inszenierung / Staging: Yana Ross Premiere: 14. Join us for some good, inspiring discussions, for some fine wine, beer and roasted chestnuts as the winter season is approaching. Wiederaufnahme: Ein Visual Poem nach Max Frisch Inszenierung: Alexander Giesche . invited Studio CRR to devise a visual identity and design a range of publications. After evaluating the market intelligence and reviewing the operational processes, Studio CRR crafted a corporate identity program fostering My Stop's demanding range of applications, read more, Studio CRR developed the interior architecture for the MY STOP stores designing a bespoke retail system convey the brand image at all sites read more, Studio CRR drafts unique and concise visual language program to broaden the brand image and to strengthen the long-term brand recognition. Neuenschwander lotet die Figur fabelhaft gut aus, und der zentrale Disput mit Wodianka, natürlich im Ergebnis nutzlos, ist ein ganz starker Theatermoment.» (Süddeutsche Zeitung, 19.12.2019), «Grossartig das körperliche Spiel der Polin Danuta Stenka. hüpfe ich wie eine Henne Abgeholzte Leben, abgewirtschaftete Seelen Alle lachen, und niemand weiss, worüber, Archiv     Archiv     Archiv     Archiv     Archiv     Archiv, Statt zu fliegen,
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