Christina Luft, 33 , This is Me - Control Profile. return false; FREE Background Report. /* Execution steps. var el_id = jQuery(this).attr('data-element-id'); if (huge_it_testBrowser_cssTransitions_4()) { data_3["0"]=[];data_3["0"]["id"]="0";data_3["0"]["image_url"]="";data_3["0"]["description"]="";data_3["0"]["alt"]="";data_3["1"]=[];data_3["1"]["id"]="1";data_3["1"]["image_url"]="";data_3["1"]["description"]="";data_3["1"]["alt"]="";data_3["2"]=[];data_3["2"]["id"]="2";data_3["2"]["image_url"]="";data_3["2"]["description"]="";data_3["2"]["alt"]="";data_3["3"]=[];data_3["3"]["id"]="3";data_3["3"]["image_url"]="";data_3["3"]["description"]="";data_3["3"]["alt"]="";data_3["4"]=[];data_3["4"]["id"]="4";data_3["4"]["image_url"]="";data_3["4"]["description"]="";data_3["4"]["alt"]="";data_3["5"]=[];data_3["5"]["id"]="5";data_3["5"]["image_url"]="";data_3["5"]["description"]="";data_3["5"]["alt"]="";data_3["6"]=[];data_3["6"]["id"]="6";data_3["6"]["image_url"]="";data_3["6"]["description"]="";data_3["6"]["alt"]="";data_3["7"]=[];data_3["7"]["id"]="7";data_3["7"]["image_url"]="";data_3["7"]["description"]="";data_3["7"]["alt"]="";data_3["8"]=[];data_3["8"]["id"]="8";data_3["8"]["image_url"]="";data_3["8"]["description"]="";data_3["8"]["alt"]="";data_3["9"]=[];data_3["9"]["id"]="9";data_3["9"]["image_url"]="";data_3["9"]["description"]="";data_3["9"]["alt"]="";data_3["10"]=[];data_3["10"]["id"]="10";data_3["10"]["image_url"]="";data_3["10"]["description"]="";data_3["10"]["alt"]=""; var huge_it_trans_in_progress_3 = false; var next_image_class = "#image_id_4_" + data_4[key]["id"]; var sliderwidth =600; return false; /*** for vimeo and youtube stop pause play etc... ***/ // Browser vendor DOM prefixes. Our brands collectively have won more than 20 industry awards in the last year alone and, most recently, Dotdash was named Publisher of the Year by Digiday, a leading industry publication. jQuery('.huge_it_slideshow_title_text_1').removeClass('none'); var translateY = 'min-auto'; jQuery(current_image_class).css({'z-index': 'none'}); Hello, I wanted to share a brief story – Christina took care of my premature nephew and was so wonderful with him. var ifhasthumb ="dotstop"; } else { } }); contHeight : ty; Niall Horan . huge_it_trans_in_progress_4 = false; if(jQuery('.huge-it-iframe-vimeo.autoplay').length) { */ if(!/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) var quality = HUGEIT_YT_IFRAMES['iframe'+el_id]['quality']; } We have celebrated many happy times together. colAdd : colRemainder; // Set active thumbnail position. } huge_it_fade_4(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); jQuery(next_image_class).css({'z-index' : 2}); clearInterval(setplayVideo); },function(){ jQuery(current_image_class).css({'opacity' : 0, 'z-index': 1}); The award, representing the 20th anniversary annual award ceremony, was appreciatively accepted by her husband Gerard Ruth and preceded by a wonderful and moving presentation by fellow Caring for Angels (CFA) Foundation trustee, and dear friend and colleague to Christina, Kerri Duggan, RN, BSN. var image_right = jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_3").position().left + jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_3").outerWidth(true); /* Create a grid to hold the gridlets. border-color: aqua; var el_id = jQuery(this).attr('data-element-id'); huge_it_change_image_3(parseInt(jQuery('#huge_it_current_image_key_3').val()), (parseInt(jQuery('#huge_it_current_image_key_3').val()) - iterator_3()) >= 0 ? transform: 'translateZ(-' + tz + 'px)', } left:0; var huge_interval = {}; /*** add ***/ /*** ***/ .play-button-slider{ }); setTimeout(function () { scrolling = true; huge_it_trans_in_progress_1 = true; play_3(); /* Set active thumbnail. }); events: { /* Set to half of image width. if (!huge_it_testBrowser_cssTransitions_4()) { huge_it_grid_3(8, 6, 0, 0, 0, .6, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); jQuery("#huge_it_slideshow_right_1").css({'display':'none'}); huge_it_change_image_4(parseInt(jQuery('#huge_it_current_image_key_4').val()), (parseInt(jQuery('#huge_it_current_image_key_4').val()) - iterator_4()) >= 0 ? var browserVendors = ['', '-webkit-', '-moz-', '-ms-', '-o-', '-khtml-']; } /*** add ***/ huge_it_grid_3(1, 8, 0, 0, 0, .7, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class); function stopVimeoVideo(currentVideo,nextVideo){ opacity : 1, The foundation is committed to assisting nurses with educational and training resources. 'z-index': 2 window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function() { return false; */ function stopYoutubeVideo(currentVideo,nextVideo) { 'showinfo': showinfo, Whitepages people search is the most trusted directory. Dear Gerard, It has been a little over a month since we said goodbye to our dear friend. play_4() grid.children().css({ this["huge_it_" + anims[Math.floor(Math.random() * anims.length)] + "_4"](current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); var pausehover="on"; } background:url( center center no-repeat;background-size:14%;}, var pausehover="on"; */ var delay = (c + r) * count; var iterator = 1; } function huge_it_testBrowser_cssTransforms3d_3() { cur_img.css('opacity', 0); }); /* Add identifying classes to corner gridlets (useful if applying border radius). jQuery(nextVideo).vimeo('play'); if (!huge_it_testBrowser_cssTransitions_3()) { Christine regularly attends workshops on sports nutrition, injury prevention, and other running-related topics. huge_it_grid_4(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); return false; } var event_stack_3 = []; /* Set to half of image height. height : height, }) jQuery(".huge_it_slider_4").css({ var staticsliderwidth =600; return huge_it_fallback3d_1(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); jQuery(".huge_it_slider_3").css({ return huge_it_testDom_4('Transition'); if (huge_it_current_key_3 > key) { jQuery(".huge_it_slider_3").removeAttr('style'); } if (jQuery(current_image_class).find('.huge_it_video_frame_1').length > 0) { } width : width, } var huge_interval = {}; /*** initialize***/ function huge_it_testDom_3(prop) { // Change image key. jQuery(next_image_class).css('opacity', 1); var myid = jQuery(this).data('rowid'); transform: 'translateZ(-' + tz + 'px)', (HUGEIT_YT_IFRAMES['iframe'+currentVideo]['state'])?currentVideo&&(window['player_'+currentVideo]['pauseVideo']()):currentVideo&&(window['player_'+currentVideo]['stopVideo']()); */ jQuery(next_image_class).css({ } /* After transition. } }); function huge_it_cubeV_3(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { huge_it_change_image_3(parseInt(jQuery('#huge_it_current_image_key_3').val()), (parseInt(jQuery('#huge_it_current_image_key_3').val()) + iterator_3()) % data_3.length, data_3,false,true); var i_4 = 0; jQuery(next_image_class).css({'opacity' : 1, 'z-index' : 2}); }); }, 1); if (streffect == "cubeV" || streffect == "cubeH" || streffect == "none" || streffect == "fade") { */ A mission statement is located on the Foundation Mission page of the website. 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